React Hooks – 18 Months Later
Photo by Tatiana Rodriguez on Unsplash The Scene Time has passed quickly since the announcement of React Hooks at React Conf in 2018. It's been 18 months for us working with React Hooks in production, and we have perceived a massive shift in the architectural front-end approach. React is one of the leading front-end frameworks and is well-known for its reusable UI components.…
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A practical use of useEffect
Overview React Hooks isn't a new thing, however there's still alot to learn and many ways to apply them. The subject of combining different hooks such as useState and useEffect is also a point developers usually struggle with as they're going into React Hooks. A shopping list app composed using functional components The power of Hooks comes into play especially when building slim,…
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Demystifying the Pure Component
Photo by David Besh on Unsplash What? PureComponent again? That belongs to classes, and nobody uses classes anymore! How come you’re not writing about hooks? Well, React hooks are very amazing and very useful - I definitely love 'em and will write about those soon. However, I am convinced that in even a year from now, people will still need the know-how of…
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Crafting React apps in 2019
In the javascript world of today, there’s lots of framework, templates, boilerplates, even several versions of Javascript itself. Anyone already into this world is mostly residing either in Angular or React’s lap, some in Vue which is a great emerging player in this ecosystem. In case you’re not yet into it, how should you go about it? Are you deciding…
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Me? Oh, I’m just waiting for the server
Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash SUFFER As Front-end developers, “waiting for the server (or API)” can sometimes become a daily mantra. Whether we’re happy to get some rest from integration work or pissed off over our heads because the feature was supposed to be done yesterday but server isn’t ready yet (or broken or was just updated and changed or any one…
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A hidden superpower for debugging your Front-end code
Photo by Joey Nicotra on Unsplash First let’s understand why we’re talking specifically about debugging. The 3D Process Design Develop Debug Looking at those 3 parts, the most important part to improve, in my viewpoint, is debugging your code. Why? Because Design can happen and can also not happen. It can also be a short or a long process. It’s…
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It’s not a story if it’s in Saga
Redux-Saga is a well-known and much-feared side effects solution to Redux. Part of the reason it’s feared is Generators - one of Javascript’s latest features, which is a core concept in Saga. From my experience working closely with several React teams, after going through the initial barriers and getting used to Generators and some other Saga-jargon-four-letter-words, the team starts enjoying…
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Ethereum for the React developer
Takeaways from building an overnight GO game with react Recently I've joined forces with a great team of some gaming veterans in the development of a super-cool, first-ever, breakthrough game of GO, 100% based on the Ethereum blockchain. The game (which is actually classified as a dapp in the professional jargon) comprised of Ethereum smart contracts where the logic resided, and…
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Understanding the modern web
As part of our efforts to make the web easier for everyone, I thought to reach out and provide you with some interesting insights on common technological areas. These days there are so many "apps" everywhere. We all use them daily on every walk of life - from counting our calories intake to calculating complex spreadsheets to communicating with everybody…
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The DNA of a great dev team
TL;DR Yes, we’re all looking to recruit and work with a great team. But you can’t get an exceptional or even a mediocre product without great team communications. Really? But each team member is busting his a** on the product, and working day & night (mostly nights) to ship on time! How can it be that we won’t make it? The Team When working in a…
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