It’s not a story if it’s in Saga
Redux-Saga is a well-known and much-feared side effects solution to Redux.
Part of the reason it’s feared is Generators – one of Javascript’s latest features, which is a core concept in Saga.
From my experience working closely with several React teams, after going through the initial barriers and getting used to Generators and some other Saga-jargon-four-letter-words, the team starts enjoying a well-established, flexible and powerful Redux middleware that helps enrich the entire Redux workflow and Developer Experience.
In this lecture we go through Generators and Redux-Saga, in an attempt to eliminate the fear of the unknown and help everyone to boldly go where (only some) have gone before.
– Nadav is the CEO of nSoft, a boutique Front-end development shop. He is a veteran (don’t say old) developer, team leader and consultant. With 15 years in the industry and 7 on the Front-end, he helps teams evolve, move faster and reach their goals with more wins and less frustration.
You can find the slides here.